Check out these upcoming Georgetown events – from shopping, to live music, to wine and chocolates, there is something for everyone!
First Friday on the Square
Every First Friday of the month stores stay open late so you can enjoy evening shopping and explore The Most Beautiful Town Square in Texas! Stroll the historic streets (you can pick up a self-guided tour sheet at the Visitor’s Center), visit galleries, meet local artists and listen to live music in local restaurants and shops. Be sure to drop in at the Williamson Museum and the Georgetown Art Center from 6 – 8 p.m.! You never know what fun awaits you on a First Friday! I
Handcrafts Unlimited
If you enjoy quilting or just appreciate the work and talent that goes into producing one, don’t miss visiting Georgetown’s Handcrafts Unlimited’s. Check out the beautiful quilts and other specialty items made by senior citizens. The annual quilt show is March 24 – 25, 2023.
The Red Poppy Festival
There will be over 120 artisans and vendors from across the nation, a Parade, Car Show, Kids Zone, Live Entertainment all day and a Saturday Night Concert and Street Dance! All free events! Bring the entire family, even your family pet, to enjoy this fun time. April 28 – 30, 2023.
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