Scurlock Farms Featured in Texas Parks & Wildlife Magazine
In March I received a direct booking for a weekend in May for the Palette Pad via my Scurlock Farms website. This is part of the message journalist Melissa Gaskill sent when she made the reservation:
I am visiting to write a travel article about Georgetown for Texas Parks and Wildlife Magazine. My research turned up your guest house and I love to feature unique places! I would love to have a tour at your convenience during the weekend.
Talk about excited! I was thrilled and honored that of all the places to stay in Georgetown, she had chosen to stay at Scurlock Farms! Before Melissa came I did some research and read some of the articles she has written and found she is a very accomplished journalist. Melissa writes both travel and science articles.
The article came out in the October, 2022 issue, and Scurlock Farms was featured in Texas Parks and Wildlife Magazine, page 25. I thought Melissa Gaskill did an outstanding job on the entire article about Georgetown, and it made me want to visit Georgetown and stay at Scurlock Farms!
I gave Melissa a tour around the farm, the same tour I give all guest that would like one, and nothing was said about the article. I was sure hoping I had not misread her note and she was going to feature the farm in her article on Georgetown.
As we drove through the pecan orchard, Melissa spotted a wild turkey across the orchard along the fence near the river. Once she pointed it out I could see it, but I never would have spotted it on m own. That was actually the first wild turkey I have seen in years.
In July Melissa called and clarified a couple of things for the article and let me know to expect a call from a photographer in August. I then realized she was including the stay at Scurlock Farms in her article – whew!
This is the article Melissa wrote about Georgetown
It’s a bit hard to read but here’s a PDF of the article; zoom in to 200% or more to make it easier. If you click the thumbnail image above you’ll get a high quality PDF of the first page.
One line Melissa wrote really stood out to my family. One of my sisters emailed and said she laughed out loud at “Then we zoomed down gravel roads, past hay fields …” Staci said she could just see me zooming around on Jolly Green, our off-road Polaris. Daniel, our oldest son, said he laughed, too. He commented “we can always tell when Mom is driving as she zooms by. Dad just putters by”.
Carhartt filming a commercial at Scurlock Farms
Melissa emailed and made her reservation in March, right on the heels of Carhartt coming to Scurlock Farms the last weekend in February to film Team Rubicon as theteacm tested out the durability of Carhartt’s shirts for their spring commercials. I have seen four of the commercials posted here on the Carhartt YouTube channel. All of the outdoor scenes in the videos mentioning Team Rubicon were filmed here at the farm (except the shots of an air boat with moss hanging from the trees). It was super fun driving around different people during the 12 hours they were shooting scenes all over the farm on Saturday. The helicopter river scenes took 3 hours to shoot on Friday evening.
They even landed a helicopter on the river bank for some of the scenes – and I got to ride in it!
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Sandra says
I volunteer with Sheron at The Caring Place in Georgetown every Saturday, I love to hear about what’s going on at the farm. She always has a good story to share!
Sheron Scurlock says
I love volunteering with Sandra at The Caring Place in Georgetown on Saturdays! I have a new story to tell her Saturday – I just rented The Palette Pad for the Producer of a 48-hour movie that will be filmed at Scurlock Farms that weekend!