It’s easy and delicious to smoke a chicken on a wood-fired smoker! Howdy folks – guest poster here. Allow me to introduce myself. I’m Daniel Scurlock Jr, and grew up out on Scurlock Farms. I recently moved back to the farm with my wife, Sherry, after spending over 30 years in the Dallas/Plano area….
Weird Times on the Farm!
2020 Spring and Summer Like No Other! This has been a spring and summer like no other in my memory! Because we are staying on the farm and not having guests due to Covid-19 I had to find things to occupy my time and be productive. We basically closed the farm from March 8 until…
An Afternoon Out in Georgetown, TX
What to do, What to do on an Afternoon Outing to Georgetown?! When you visit Georgetown, be sure and save a few hours to stroll about ‘The Most Beautiful Town Square in Texas’ if you are looking for an afternoon outing in Georgetown TX. Depending on the season and the day, you will find varied…